Designed in a DaVinci sketch style, this is highly detailed schematic is of one of the most iconic weapons of war of all time...the M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
"The M2 Bradley Infantry FIghting Vehicle is a lightly armored, fully tracked transport vehicle that provides cross-country mobility, mounted firepower and protection from artillery and small-arms fire. It is used in mechanized infantry and armored cavalry combat.
It possesses sufficient cross-country mobility to keep up with the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, medium and long-range firepower capable of defeating any vehicle on the battlefield, and is adequately armored to protect the crew from artillery and small arms threats. The Bradley is able to close with and destroy enemy forces in support of mounted and dismounted Infantry and Cavalry combat operations."
"The M2 Bradley Infantry FIghting Vehicle is a lightly armored, fully tracked transport vehicle that provides cross-country mobility, mounted firepower and protection from artillery and small-arms fire. It is used in mechanized infantry and armored cavalry combat.
It possesses sufficient cross-country mobility to keep up with the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, medium and long-range firepower capable of defeating any vehicle on the battlefield, and is adequately armored to protect the crew from artillery and small arms threats. The Bradley is able to close with and destroy enemy forces in support of mounted and dismounted Infantry and Cavalry combat operations."