A true Irish legend...the Banshee!
An 8x10 illustrated print of one of most horrific creatures of the Irish moores, the Banshee. A Banshee is said to be a fairy in Irish legend and her scream is believed to be an omen of death. The scream is also called Caoine which means keening and is a warning that there will be an imminent death in the family and as the Irish families blended over time, it is said that each family has its own Banshee!
An 8x10 illustrated print of one of most horrific creatures of the Irish moores, the Banshee. A Banshee is said to be a fairy in Irish legend and her scream is believed to be an omen of death. The scream is also called Caoine which means keening and is a warning that there will be an imminent death in the family and as the Irish families blended over time, it is said that each family has its own Banshee!