Knerdkraft will be exhibiting at Emerald City Comic-Con from March 6th - 9th. If you are in the Seattle area and plan on attending, please stop by booth #20200 and say hi! I shall return to open my online shops on Wednesday March 12th
To online customers, fear not I am still checking my messages and will answer any inquiries when I can. Please keep in mind the post office seems to be having difficulties with late shipments the past few months. Once a package leaves my hands we are both at the mercy of the post office. Unfortunately, some packages are taking several weeks to be delivered. These packages are indeed late but are not lost. They will arrive... eventually. If your package still has not arrived 30 days after it was mailed, I will send you replacement prints at no cost to you when I return on March 12th or consider a full refund in some cases are extreme lateness.
Thank you for your patience!